Friday, September 12, 2008

Did You Know?

Did You Know?

This is a sobering video to watch. It’s amazing how much technology has changed in my lifetime, and how much it will continue to change. For example, Since I work a minimum of 45 hours a week and take 12 hours of classes, I have to be innovative with my study time. In order to watch the video “Did You Know” I downloaded it and transferred it to my phone. Then I watched it on my phone in the office at my work. I’m writing this blog on the office computer and I’ll save it to my thumb drive and take it home with me to upload to this blog.

I still have my ATARI 2600 system from childhood. Today’s video game systems are so complex, it’s hard to believe we’ve gone from Pong and Pac-Man to Online gaming worlds like World of Warcraft in just 30 years. Obviously, entertainment is not the only field that has changed so rapidly. Everything today is affected by computers and the meshing of technologies, including education. I’m eager to see what advances will be made in the short four years it will take to get my degree. By the time I’m actually teaching in a classroom, systems like ACCESS will be used all over the state to help students and teachers keep abreast of our changing world.

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