Friday, September 26, 2008

Week 5

The first site I found is Cool Cat Teacher
On this Blog, the teacher has many different projects for his classes, including a class wiki project. There is also some fascinating information about Microsoft surface enabled desks which become whiteboards. This is one innovation I’m really excited about! How cool would it be to have a classroom full of these instead of traditional desks or tables, desks that are computers!

The second site I came across is Mr. C's Class Blog
This one is a pretty standard Classroom Blog, similar to the one I am writing for now. He has links to each of his students’ personal class blogs and a variety of topics and assignments. These are sure to be commonplace by the time I’m actually teaching. I’m still more excited about Cool Cat’s page, so if you haven’t seen it yet, go check it out.

Here’s a picture from Mr. C’s latest blog about the upcoming Boat Regatta (kind of like the Cub Scout pinewood derby with boats).

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